Solar For Business

Why Solar for Businesses is a no Brainer!

Great Return On Investment

Great Return On Investment

To get the most out of the government solar rebate that is reducing substantially every year, get in at the earliest. With the max solar rebates and high feed-in tariffs, the PAYBACK time for the Solar Panel System for businesses come down to mere 2-4 years. Moreover, our easy finance options and our 25 year solar performance Warranty makes getting Solar a no-brainer. Any astute Businessman / Businesswoman would instantly opt for our Solar Systems instantly with this kind of high ROI.

Tax Benefits

Tax Benefits

Did you know that Solar Panel System is considered a write-off asset? Make the best use of it in your next tax return. That is an astounding 30% discount on top of our already economic prices.

Trim Down your Overheads

Trim Down your Overheads

Installing Solar System will reduce your businesses’ electricity bills dramatically. This gives you a competitive advantage against your competitors as you will be able to offer cheaper product to your customers since your overheads have been reduced.

Insurance against Rising Energy Bills

Insurance against Rising Energy Bills

Most businesses consume most of their energy needs during the day time. Coincidently, that’s when the solar system produces all of its energy. This makes you self sufficient and less reliable on your energy provider and gives you peace of mind in regards to rising electricity prices every year. If your business operates during the night too, it is worth looking at our battery storage options as well.

Increased Property Value

Increased Property Value

Recent real estate trends reveal that properties with Solar Panel Systems fetch significantly higher sale prices compared to the properties without one. Why not take advantage of high government rebates now that are diminishing every year and get solar at much cheaper rate now than to get one at much higher price when they make it mandatory.

Make Use of Dead Space

Make Use of Dead Space

Most businesses and warehouses have unutilised large rooftop space. Why not put it use and make it generate cash flow for your business! Moreover, installing solar panels on office or warehouse rooftop will help reduce the temperature inside the space as the tin roof will be getting less direct sunlight.

Pay from your Energy Bill Savings

Pay from your Energy Bill Savings

Our multiple finance options, ranging from 1-7 years terms, allow getting solar without impacting your business cashflow. Since most businesses use most electricity during day-time, their energy bill savings are significant and the savings cover a major portion of the repayments.

Go Green, Get Loyal Customers

Go Green, Get Loyal Customers

By getting solar, you will be able to do your part in fighting the climate change and helping our planet for generations to come. Research says, a standard 30kW solar panel system reduces 40 tonnes of carbon emissions every year! Moreover, Solar will not only save money for your business, it will get you more loyal customers as they will be happier to choose your products knowing they are playing a part in saving the environment.


Power your business with solar and save

100 KW

Huge Commercial
Our largest system for businesses and commercial applications
  • Tier 1 Solar Module
  • 50KW + 50KW Power Inverter
  • 100,000W Tier 1 Panels
  • High Efficiency Solar Module

30 KW

Small Business
Suitable for low-medium commercial energy use
  • Tier 1 Solar Module
  • 15KW + 15KW Power Inverter
  • 30,000 Tier 1 Panels
  • High Efficiency Solar Module

50 KW

Suited for standard commercial and industrial use
  • Tier 1 Solar Module
  • 30KW + 20KW Power Inverter
  • 50,000W Tier 1 Panels
  • High Efficiency Solar Module

*Performance figures are estimated based on CEC Guidelines and will vary from site to site.
Please speak to an Solar Plus Solar consultant to make an informed decision about your solar needs and potential cost savings.

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